Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bali and the Kavanaghs

Our flight arrived in Bali pretty much on time, and so after advice from Enda about visa processing taking ages, we ran past all the other passengers leaving the plane, and arrived at the immigration desk before everyone else. It meant we went straight through without any problems (the immigration guy not even noticing Sarah's brand new passport), and outside the terminal we got a taxi straight to Legian, near Enda and Tracy's hotel.

The first hotel place we tried turned out to be lovely, so we dumped our bags, had a shower and strolled to Enda and Tracy's very fancy hotel (our place was lovely, although on our very first night there I was rudely awakened at 3am by a cat falling through the roof and crashing directly into my head! Obviously at first I had no idea what had happened, and felt the 'creature' run across my chest. Sarah leapt up and turned on the light, and then we saw the poor terrified cat trying to escape. Sarah opened the door of the room, and out the poor thing scurried, as I was left bewildered staring at the gaping hole in the roof (it was made up of quite flimsy panels)).

Anyway, arriving at Enda and Tracy's hotel, it turned out that they were on their first holiday 'date-night' in a very fancy restaurant about 25 minutes taxi-ride away (Ku De Ta). So after waiting for them in their apartment-style room with their babysitter, they arrived back and we all went out for dinner (well, just me and Sarah eating of course).

Over the next 5 days myself and Sarah would stroll over to their hotel and spend the day swimming in their pools, sometimes using their spare breakfast vouchers (all 3 of them had been sick for a day, and hadn't eaten much at all), and generally just lounging around in blissful luxury. We had kinda planned on heading to Ubud for a day, or going to the WaterPark nearby, but in the end none of us could be bothered to leave the hotel. Myself and Enda had Flyn a couple of times (while the girls shopped, or Tracy had a facial), just taking him for long walks along the beachfront, or shopping for sunglasses in the markets.

Generally we just a fantastic time relaxing, chatting, and eating and drinking in the evenings in lovely fancy restaurants and bars. It seemed like a long time since we'd spent days of pure luxury, but as with meeting up with other mates around the world, the splashing out was all very much worth it. Enda and Tracy took us out to dinner in Jimbaron, which is famous for it's seafood, and we got a great table right on the beach in front of the crashing waves. Another night we took them out to the justifiably famous stylish beach bar of Ku De Ta for a couple of drinks (the bar/restaurant could easily be from the most fashionable districts of New York or London), before a brilliant Italian meal in nearby Trattoria and more drinks in Hu'u, before heading back to relieve Flyn's babysitter.

Saying 'Goodbye' to Enda , Tracy and Flyn brought on a wee wave of depression at the thought of us having to head home soon too, but naturally that passed after a bit! We headed back to our nice wee hostel needing to look into what we were going to do with the 3 weeks we have left, but first I'd decided to drive to Ubud for the day.

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