Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So after a bit of a dodgey detour we get to Rotorua (I wanted to take a more scenic route rather than the direct route, but then realised we were quite low on fuel, but of course we just about made it!). First stop was a petrol station of course, and as soon as I open the door of the van I was struck by the strong smell of sulphur - the whole town is built in a terrifically active thermal area - a city centre park and even some of the town gutters have steam pouring from them, it's mad!

A quick trip to the local tourist office shattered my hopes of reliving one of the highlights of my last trip to New Zealand - the scree run down the inner rim of a volcanic crater. Apparently, due to damage caused by uncontrolled access, your only allowed do it now as part of an orgnaised tour group. Needless to say, I consider the thought of tour groups as rather repulsive, so I just give up on the idea (although I reckon if we'd had more time to spare we could have just made our own way out there and just done it regardless, like I did last time - but anyway, it's just a pity Sarah didn't get to experience it).

I cooked the last of the Thai curries for New Zealand that night and the next day we just did the guidebook's walking tour of the city. After the walk we visited the famous Polynesian Spa (where I'd been with Hanno, Keith and Bebhinn last time). The spa has been updated since my last visit, but I seem to remember the pools being hotter. Anyway, after a good 'auld soak we rushed up for dinner at the fancy Bistro 1284 restaurant, apparently the best in the city - and mighty impressive it was too.

We contemplated staying another night in Rotorua, but that would have left us very tight on time in Auckland, so reluctantly we left and heading up North to our final destination after 3 months in New Zealand, Auckland.

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