Wednesday, May 23, 2007

One week to go.

Leaving in a week and most things organised.  Pints in Keoghs on Saturday should be the last night out before starting off the trip in Nairobi, and from there who knows...


raimy69 said...

Hey Ming, been checking this site every day for 2 weeks!!!! What's up, where are ya, what's going on! Hope all's going well...



seanmullins said...

Mr McScab,
what u up to??
2 weeks and near a blog, your crap.
Ko Chang is a load of bollix.


raimy69 said...

F*ck's sake, no way, worst blogsite ever. San Sero.

Podge said...

Bloody right Ray... complete sh*te.
What's happening in Africa?

PMcB said...

ok, ok - at least it's better than Sarah's! About to update the fecker now, youse bunch of whingey pansies.

Rainer said...

Pat, cant' really agree with your comments re Sarah's blog. tell us what happened, hippo's lions and all that stuff is cool.

PMcB said...

What can I say Rainer, you drive around a park and look at animals! It is cool for sure, but I don't think it makes for exciting or enlightening reading - it's pretty much as you see on TV. I did mention the quibbles I had, and the realisation of a dream bit - the rest is just TV really...